Autor | Tomasz Majta |
Tytuł | Śląskość jako niechciana obcość? Pokora Twardocha jako studium wyboru tożsamości |
Słowa kluczowe | Szczepan Twardoch, Śląsk, obcość, I wojna światowa, tożsamość |
Strony | 115-124 |
Pełny tekst | |
Tom | 37 |
This paper briefly analyses the issue of Silesian identity at the end of the First World War and during the failed Bolshevik revolution in Germany, presented in the novel Pokora by Silesian writer Szczepan Twardoch. Silesianness implies alienation of the main character, Alois Pokora, which leads to fear of assuming any kind of identity. The discussion employs an anthropological and cultural perspective based on Z. Bauman’s theses.