Studia Filologiczne UJK

Philological Studies

ISSN 2300-5459 e-ISSN 2450-0380



Volume 36

Year of publication: 2023
Number of pages: 500
Format: B5




Luiza Rzymowska
Preparation of the introduction to a speech according to Aristotle. The gist of technical advice in Book III of“Rhetoric”
Alicja Dąbrowska
Affirmation of Life in the Diary – Soldier’s Tale “Trzy po trzy” [Topsy Turvy Talk] by Alexander Fredro
Piotr Borek
Marian Zdziechowski’s reflections on bajronism
Mateusz Stelmaszuk
Grabinski’s “Głucha przestrzeń” as an illustration of the modernist worldview
Monika Gabryś-Sławińska
The World of Values of Adam and Stefan Żeromski in the Light of Their Correspondence
Andrzej Borkowski
The Place and Role of Animals in Social Life at the Crossroads of History and Culture (exploring Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna's Memoir Prose)
Krzysztof Jaworski
“The Resurrection of the Body” – about a forgotten “metapsychic study” by Maria Horska-Szpyrkowna (1893‒1977)
Marcin Kowalczyk
Boxing as a textual phenomenon – “Zwyciężać znaczy myśleć” [“To win means to think”] and the pugilistic message of Leopold Tyrmand
Alicja Jakubowska-Ożóg
New Testament motives in Zbigniew Herbert’s poetry
Zenon Ożóg
Zbigniew Herbert’s private breviary
Krzysztof Kasiński
“The myth of the Vanishing Indian” in the works of James Welch – one of pioneers of the Native American Renaissance movement
Artur Żywiołek
“I see through song”. The echoes of myths in the novel “Wniebogłos” (Heavenbound Voice) by Aleksandra Tarnowska
Anna Tryksza
Figure of illness in rhetorical structure of a crime novel: examples of „The Flanders Panel” by Arturo Pérez-Reverte and „Sidetracked” by Henning Mankell
Kinga Strzelecka-Pilch
The autofiction of Jerzy Pilch’s and Michel Houellebecq’s prose
Kinga Nerlicka
Female young adult dystopia becoming a contemporary “Bildungsroman” on the example of the “Slated” series by Teri Terry (2012‒2014)
Mariusz Maciak
Home space and human identity in the context of reality transformation. About the need to settle down in Karolina Kuszyk’s “Poniemieckie” and Dorota Brauntsch’s “Domy bezdomne”
Ewa Górecka
Anna Frajlich’s lyricism in visual art. On selected intersemiotic strategies of dialogue in culture
Jolanta Pasterska
A rooted voyager: An ironic self-portrait of Yurii Andrukhovych [based on “The Lexicon of Intimate Cities”]
Zbigniew Trzaskowski
From noetics to praxeology. Literary text as a message
Agata Kucharska-Babula
Music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in Polish language lessons – considerations on the validity of integrating the arts in school
Anna Burzyńska-Kamieniecka
„How do you like this beer?” An old text in a glottodidactic perspective (on the example of the Thirteenth conversation about dinner or a feast in N. Volckmar’s phrasebook Viertzig Dialogi)
Beata Jędrzejczak • Seyyal Körpe Kemer
Local culture in teaching Polish as a foreign language and modern teaching tools (based on an online game about Gdańsk)
Piotr Zbróg
Text and its message as the foundation for constructing social representations of objects
Živilė Nemickienė • Eglė Navickaitė
Structural Features of Lithuanian Blends
Krzysztof Nerlicki
Droga wolna! Polish routine formulae and their German equivalents in dictionaries and language use – some lexicographic observations and language-teaching related remarks
Sylwia Skuza
Red shoes and los zapatos rojos: symbolism and transgression of meaning
Wioletta A. Piegzik
Remote Associates Test as a tool for developing creative behaviour and stimulating information processing in the target language: results of a study
Ewa Głażewska • Małgorzata Karwatowska
With Art Against Pandemic. The Mask as a Pandemic Cultural Text
Mariusz Guzek
Mickiewicz in the grip of (not just) comic bubbles. “Ballads and Romances” as picture stories
Marek Pieniążek
The poetic performativity of the scene: a case study of Piwnica pod Baranami

Opinions, reviews, notes

Michał Siedlecki
Tomasz Bocheński’s improvisations