Studia Filologiczne UJK

Philological Studies

ISSN 2300-5459 e-ISSN 2450-0380



Author Zbigniew Trzaskowski
Title Poetic dialogue with reality: here and now
Keywords dialogue, form, paradox, poetry, reality
Pages 261-274
Full text
Volume 37


The following questions are posed for consideration: firstly, does poetry in its deepest essence form a unity of spontaneous intuition and logical conception, memory and expectation, forgetting and perpetuation, immanence and transcendence? Secondly, how does the condensed direct lyric express the truths of the philosophy of life in its horizontal and vertical dimensions? Thirdly, does postulative poetics reveal the intimate sides of human existence? Fourthly, to what extent does poetic discourse reflect the constant tension between psyche and soma? Fifthly, how does the avant-garde character of contemporary Polish poetry manifest itself? The answers to these and other questions are provided in the review of Krzysztof Jaworski’s poetic volume Fibonacci sequence. 111 Poems.