Studia Filologiczne UJK

Philological Studies

ISSN 2300-5459 e-ISSN 2450-0380



Author Krzysztof Jaworski
Title Maria Horska-Szpyrkówna (1893‒1977) and her role in the creation and publication of the so-called Tęgoborska Prophecy
Keywords Maria Horska-Szpyrkówna, Polish women writers, metapsychics, parapsychology
Pages 51-69
Full text
Volume 37


The article attempts to explain the role of the now-forgotten writer Maria Horska-Szpyrkówna in the creation and publication of the so-called Tęgoborska prophecy in her book Three Prophecies. The prophecy, which legend claims was spoken by an unknown medium during a spiritual séance in 1893, was most likely put into literary form by the writer in March 1939. Since then, the prophecy has been repeatedly read by Poles, sparking considerable interest and emotions. The article aims to shed light on the circumstances of the prophecy’s creation and recalls Szpyrkówna’s original 1939 text, which has been modified or distorted by successive generations of readers up to the present day.