Studia Filologiczne UJK

Philological Studies

ISSN 2300-5459 e-ISSN 2450-0380



Author Sylwia Katarzyna Gierczak
Title The question of esteem for women in the light of selected contemporary folk music lyrics on the example of the band “Same Suki”
Keywords linguistic-cultural image of the world, folklore, folk, esteem, woman, gender equality
Pages 505-519
Full text
Volume 35


The subject of the presented analysis is the question of esteem for women. This significant and ever-timely issue has been addressed by the folk band Same Suki, founded in 2012 and described as a „revolutionary all-female folk group”. In songs such as Równochuć, Biczysko, BiczBox and Łodiritkum, Same Suki express the need for achieving gender equality and breaking with the patriarchal thinking pattern, tightly linked to the traditional family model, male domination and superior-subordinate character of male-female relationships. Thematically and methodologically, the paper is part of the research on reconstructing the linguistic-cultural image of SZACUNEK (‘esteem’) in the Polish language.