Studia Filologiczne UJK

Philological Studies

ISSN 2300-5459 e-ISSN 2450-0380



Author Beata Jędrzejczak • Seyyal Körpe Kemer
Title Local culture in teaching Polish as a foreign language and modern teaching tools (based on an online game about Gdańsk)
Keywords Polish as a foreign language, local culture, Gdańsk, modern teaching tools, educational game, hybrid reality
Pages 339-353
Full text
Volume 36


The article presents deliberations on the place of local culture in Polish language glottodidactics in the context of modern tools for teaching Polish as a foreign language in the era of the linguistic revolution caused by the expansion of electronic media and the hybridization of human life space. An example of teaching activities is the online game „Tropem nadbałtyckich tajemnic”, based on a task-oriented approach and ludic strategy. It uses elements of a virtual walk around Gdańsk, which allows the player to explore the city space and thus gives him the feeling of being in a different place than the one that defines him in the real world. This type of teaching activities are not only a way to overcome the barrier of physical distance of places, but also to introduce cultures and „open linguaculture”.