Studia Filologiczne UJK

Philological Studies

ISSN 2300-5459 e-ISSN 2450-0380



Author Marta Bolińska
Title Offer and library culture projects XXI century
Keywords Library – reading – culture – personal development – initiatives
Pages 15-30
Full text
Volume 31


In the twenty-first century libraries are no longer just some public reading
rooms or book rental facilities. Brimming with a variety of ideas, they have become social, multidimensional cultural institutions. Local initiatives of district
libraries (being branches or subsidiaries of municipal institutions) often develop
into regional or even nationwide projects. The Municipal Public Library in Kielce
(a subsidiary No. 3) is a fine example of such endeavours: between 2010‒2015,
in addition to its statutory services, it was hosting a number of events, citywide
competitions, meetings with authors as well as promoting regional artists and
their works (these included painting, photography or handicrafts exhibitions).
What is more, public Library in Auschwitz created Poland’s first Children’s Literature Centre. Finally, Library staff is known to understand and benefit from
the 17 advantages of books formulated by the Swedish Academy of Children’s