Studia Filologiczne UJK

Philological Studies

ISSN 2300-5459 e-ISSN 2450-0380



Author Piotr A. Owsiński
Title The dialect analysis of a will of Cracow from the 16thcentury
Keywords History of language, dialectology, German eastward expansion, sound change, Early New High German
Pages 343-362
Full text
Volume 32


The paper is an attempt at a graphemic-phonemic analysis of a will of the goldsmith of Cracow Grzegorz Przybyło (?‒1547), which comes from the Źródła do historii sztuki i cywilizacji w Poslca. Cracovia Artficum 1501‒1550 published by Jan PtaśnikandMarjan Friedberg in 1937 in Cracow.
The study shows the presence of the Middle High German and Early New High German language features and is connected with the wider historic and sociolinguistic studies on German language in Central and Eastern Europe. In the source text there may be found language elements from different German dialects, which were unified on the German eastward expansion areai.a. High German diphthongization, Middle German monophthongization, labialization and delabialization of the vowels, lengthening and shortening of the vowels, the fusion of the old and new diphthongs or raising and lowering of the vowels.