Studia Filologiczne UJK

Philological Studies

ISSN 2300-5459 e-ISSN 2450-0380



Author Weronika Dulęba
Title What value have the bodies of animals? Interspecific relationships in the work literary of Maria Sadowska
Keywords animal studies, animal body, literature of the nineteenth century, Maria Sadowska, theology of animals
Pages 51-62
Full text
Volume 30


The work literary of Maria Sadowska, writer nineteenth century, creating at the turn of eras of romanticism and positivism, is special because of the unique for Polish literature of this period imaging of the animal world, which is a kind of counterbalance to the negative charakteryzowanego by the writer of the world people. Such imagery is actually consistent with a romantic desire to return to the idea of the biological unity of the world, and above all the personal beliefs Sadowska. In her work status exceptional gains the body of an animal that is treated on a par with the human body and thus deserves respect for both life and for burial after death. Sadowska original position is not only from the perspective of her times, but also the present.