Studia Filologiczne UJK

Philological Studies

ISSN 2300-5459 e-ISSN 2450-0380



Author Michal Habaj
Title The change of the Greek body ideal in ancient Greece from Homer to Alexander using the example of written sources
Keywords body, social context, literary symbolism, ancient history
Pages 97-113
Full text
Volume 30


The study deals with the body image as an expression of elite communities in ancient Greek society. The ideal is not dealt as a stable element of the contemporary world, but is in constant transformation according to the political, social and cultural changes Greece underwent. Milestone in the whole process of changing is the founding of Athens Symmachy. In connection with the conversion of Athenian society, study monitors emancipation of the beauty as aesthetic value. Changing conditions, as well as the influence of traditional values ​​caused in connection with the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War a new type of discourse, known for works of Socrates‘ pupils. Under the influence of transformations, military attributes are underlined again with a fully new branch of literary representations, that include even the wounds and deformities, testifying the military quality of its wearers.