Studia Filologiczne UJK

Philological Studies

ISSN 2300-5459 e-ISSN 2450-0380



Author Anna Burzyńska-Kamieniecka
Title „How do you like this beer?” An old text in a glottodidactic perspective (on the example of the Thirteenth conversation about dinner or a feast in N. Volckmar’s phrasebook Viertzig Dialogi)
Keywords didactic text, phrasebooks for foreigners, communicative competence, language related customs, history of teaching Polish as a foreign language
Pages 323-338
Full text
Volume 36


The presented article concerns the form and function of didactic texts used in old textbooks as phrasebooks, which were used to teach Polish as a foreign language. The author, discussing a sample conversation from Nicolaus Volckmar’s seventeenth-century textbook Viertzig Dialogi, demonstrates the usefulness of texts of this type in the process of teaching communicative competence to learners of Polish as a foreign language in past centuries. The analysis of Trzynasta rozmowa. O obiedzie albo biesiedzie (The thirteenth conversation about dinner or a feast) in pragmatic-linguistic and sociolinguistic aspects shows the importance of old phrasebooks as a source of information on communicative customs in force in multilingual communities living in cities such as Gdańsk, Wrocław or Toruń.