Studia Filologiczne UJK

Philological Studies

ISSN 2300-5459 e-ISSN 2450-0380



Author Anna Maria Grabińska
Title The Dead. “O ojcu i córce” by Maria Komornicka in the spirit of psychodynamic study, based on the object relation theory
Keywords literary knowledge, psychodynamic interpretation, object relation theory
Pages 43-51
Full text
Volume 28


Psychodynamic interpretation of a text, based on the object relation theory, is an attempt to construe literary texts with the means of research tools developed by related humanities. New interpretation possibilities refer to biographical research, correlate psychoanalysis traditions, at the same time they also reveal subconscious, hidden content and meaning. Psychodynamic approach incorporates different fields within literary knowledge area, i.e. psychiatry or insight-oriented psychotherapy.