Studia Filologiczne UJK

Philological Studies

ISSN 2300-5459 e-ISSN 2450-0380



Studia filologiczne

Vol. 28, part 2

Year of publication: 2015
Number of pages: 192
Format: B5
Paperback: broszurowa



Ewelina Szymczak
Theological and anthropological aspects of the “Cel trojaki pożyciu ludzkiemu” by Mikołaj Dadzibóg-Kostrowicki (1647)
Katarzyna Chrzęszczyk
The portrait of Adam Mickiewicz in the memoirs of Antoni Edward Odyniec and the letters of Stefan Garczyński
Anna Maria Grabińska
The Dead. “O ojcu i córce” by Maria Komornicka in the spirit of psychodynamic study, based on the object relation theory
Irmina Fornalska
“God has admitted / to being only human” – disbelief in Ewa Lipska’s poetry
Katarzyna Świercz
The school and the teachers in the works of Marta Fox. Selected examples
Justyna Cerazy
Literatura wyczerpania? – współczesny autotematyzm na podstawie „Do szpiku kości” Krzysztofa Jaworskiego
Mateusz Pustuła
Israeli “Kontury” – the dynamics of change
Marcin Kozera
Humanities of the aesthetic appearances and the issue of the weight of Borgesian “Library of Babel”
Emmanuella Robak
John Fowles’s “A Maggot” and Laurence Sterne’s “The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentelman”: Restitution of Autotelic Narration in the English Novel
Agnieszka Elżbieta Majcher
How to Translate Vogon’s Poetry from the Novel “The Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams? Contexts, Inspirations, Correspondences
Jacek Szlufik
Gloomy or sumptuous? Saint Petersburg of poor office workers according Dostoevsky
Mirosław Śmiłowski
Social and ethnographic, and cultural characterisation of Jerusalem text in Dina Rubina’s literary works: “Here comes the Messiah!” and “Jerusalemites”
Olga Ziopaja
The history of dance, music and poetry in the context of triune – the role of Greek choreia in the history of art
Sylwia Gawłowska
Piosenki o sprawach ostatecznych jako przestrzeń powstawania kiczu
Robert Utkowski
The word in nonliterary works of art. Andrzej Bednarczyk’s “Pole anielskich szeptów”: a concrete poetry or a hypertext?