Studia Filologiczne UJK

Philological Studies

ISSN 2300-5459 e-ISSN 2450-0380



Author Olga Ziopaja
Title The history of dance, music and poetry in the context of triune – the role of Greek choreia in the history of art
Keywords dance, chorea, poetry, music
Pages 163-172
Full text
Volume 28


The text deals with the history of dance, music and poetry from the perspective of ancient choreia impact on their development. By the juxtaposition of not combined so far threads of dance history and elements of the history of music with the Greek choreia the formation of the forms of dance, music and poetry was analyzed coming to their modern shape. The study of ancient choreia presence in the arts over the centuries, has enabled the presentation of changes in the interpretation of the concept in the context of various cultural eras, from antiquity to the present.