Studia Filologiczne UJK

Philological Studies

ISSN 2300-5459 e-ISSN 2450-0380



Author Jacek Szlufik
Title Gloomy or sumptuous? Saint Petersburg of poor office workers according Dostoevsky
Keywords office workers, metropolis, misery, splendour, Russia
Pages 139-148
Full text
Volume 28


The picture of tsarist capital city in early works by Fyodor Dostoyevsky is vividly ambiguous; on the one hand it is a metropolis vibrant with life, overawing with its lavishness and aspiring to be one of the most important cities of contemporary Europe and on the other hand – the place full of social contrasts, the poor, shabby-looking, black low-rise tenement houses. In fact, such cramped and gloomy houses are dwelled by them – humble, obsessive about their passions and extremely impoverished office workers of Saint Petersburg. This article is an attempt of detailed analysis of Petersburg life phenomena, from a sociological and social perspective, presented in Dostoyevsky’s works before 1848.