Studia Filologiczne UJK

Philological Studies

ISSN 2300-5459 e-ISSN 2450-0380



Author Dawid Kopa
Title Amantes amentes: the image of love in places ravaged by war in the novel by Jacek Komuda “The usurper. A Moscow harlot”
Keywords Jacek Komuda, historical novel, loca amoena, loca terribilia, affect
Pages 205-220
Full text
Volume 34


The article attempts to interpret Jacek Komuda’s historical novel Samozwaniec. Moskiewska Ladacznica (Eng. The Usurper. A Moscow Harlot). It is analysed how the author of Bohun creates the literary representations of love in war-torn areas. The article also explores the relations between the topoi of loca amoena and loca terribilia. All in all, it raises the issues concerning Jacek Komuda’s oeuvre which have not been discussed thus far.