Studia Filologiczne UJK

Philological Studies

ISSN 2300-5459 e-ISSN 2450-0380



Author Jan Kamieniecki
Title Ways of simplifying texts of contemporary biblical translations in the light of the plain language concept (using selected examples)
Keywords biblical translations, the concept of plain language, dynamic equivalence, translation theories
Pages 539-558
Full text
Volume 34


The article is an attempt to show that the principles of simplifying texts in accordance with the plain language concept can be used in the process of translating the Bible into Polish. The author wonders to what extent the simplification of the texts of biblical translations can be helped by adapting them to the standards of plain language. The analysis of two contemporary translations of St. Mark’s Gospel allows the conclusion that the modifications made by the translators within the translated texts of the Holy Scripture can be considered in some points convergent with the principles of the plain language (this applies especially to the lexical and visual aspect of the text).