Studia Filologiczne UJK

Philological Studies

ISSN 2300-5459 e-ISSN 2450-0380



Studia filologiczne

Vol. 29, part 1

Year of publication: 2016
Number of pages: 240
Format: B5
Paperback: broszurowa



Aneta Cielibała-Gil
A Woman According to the Poetic Conception of Jan Darowski
Tomasz Dobrogoszcz
Rendering polyphony in the Polish translation of Ali Smith’s “The Accidental”
Anna Dragan
Fellow or foreign? Baba-Yaga in selected works of fantasy literature
Lada Kolomiyets
Vera Rich as a Translator of Taras Shevchenko: Working Towards Greater Semantic and Rhythmic Accurateness
Łukasz Kowalski
Women, femininity, everyday life in works of culture, based on the example of Kornel Filipowicz’s micronovels
Mirosław Kowalski
Women, men and evil in three short stories of Kazimierz Orłoś
Małgorzata Krzysztofik
The values of consecrated virginity in father Andrzej Goldonowski “Short notes about the state of maidenhood” (1636) and in Old Polish literature
Michał Mazurkiewicz
A Woman in the World of Art – the Case of Mary Cassatt
Elżbieta Michow
Linguistic indicators of the function of the woman in common etymologies of the place names
Magdalena Ożarska
Beyond the Old Polish “hic mulier”: Regina Salomea née Rusiecka, secundo voto Pilsztynowa, and her memoir
Sharaf Rehman
Portrayal of Women in the Popular Indian Cinema
Marek Ruszkowski
The Noun ‘Woman /in Polish: Kobieta/᾿ as an Example of Amelioration
Monika Sosnowska
Ecophobic Hamlet and ecophiliac Ophelia. On human relations with nature
Iwona Szuta
Der Status der deutschen Literaturübersetzerinnen im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
Magdalena Wołoszyn
Intertextuality Internet memes about politics
Anna Wzorek
Woman and old age in the light of ‘Listy do Jerzego’ [Letters to George] by Maria Kuncewiczowa